Dream Home | IDX HTML Theme
Version 1.1.3
The DREAM HOME is a creative, clean & modern one page, multi-page and multipurpose template. Perfectly suitable for any property deal, real estate, sale, rent, business, freelancers, designers, developers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative agencies.
Well written code, makes you comfortable to redesign the theme. Well documented help file helps you modify and edit this theme according to your own wish.
Package Includes
- 4 Home page layouts
- Property listing
- Property details
- Agent listing
- Agent details
- Blog list page
- Blog details page
- 3 Header Types
- 2 Footer Types
- Detailed Documentation
- Example Typography, Heading, Tagline box, Testimonials slider
- Scss, Gulp-node app files included
Other Features
- Bootstrap 3.3.3
- Owl Carusel js
- Isotope js
- WOW js
- jQuery fitvids
- jQuery noUislider
- Google map with custom icon and custom info
- Google Font
- Iconic font with unlimited icons
- Live support & support forum
- Fully responsive
- Multi Page Design
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Php form script
- Supports all modern browsers including from IE10
- SEO friendly and Clean Code
- Modular and commented Code
- Detailed documentation
- Free updates
Image courtesy:
All the images are display only, not included in the main download package. But we must want to give credit to the authors for their wonderful images. All image links are mentioned in the documentation.
Font Used:
- Roboto:
- Lato:
- Gobold:
- Droid Sans:
Other than that, we take pride in our work and provide full support to all our works through our dedicated Support Forum
_____Version 1.1.3 (Date: 31.08.2015) ________________________ 1. Style sourcemaps removed. 2. Subscription (Sidebar) integrated with mailchimp. 3. 'Get Request' form in 'Property Listing' page integrated with php. 4. Documentations updated.
_____Version 1.1.2 (Date: 23.08.2015)_________________________ 01. Mailchimp integration. 02. Footer form php.
_____Version 1.1.1 (Date:19.08.2015)__________________________ 01. W3C validation fixed. 02. HTML properly formatted.
_____Version 1.1.0 (Date: 27.06.2015)_________________________ 01. Included PHP scripts. 02. Added colour options in the template
For help and support feel free to contact us at any time.
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